It's the age old question. I've heard it several times at the brief mention of homeschooling my children. Should we decide to homeschool, and that question is still up in the air, I'm sure we will hear it again. I'm almost certain I wasn't the first to have been asked and I'm positive you'll be asked everytime you meet a stranger who wants to know why you are running around town when your children should be knee-deep in school work while attending public school.
It is not that I believe kids are not social in public school, because believe me, my oldest daughter comes home and receives a number of phone calls throughout the evening from friends. I do believe they are not as "socialized" as we have begun to the think in society. From the start of the day, of at least elementary, they are saying the pledge, taking attendance, putting away backpacks and lunchboxes, and taking care of other things. They'll do a few assignments together, maybe some independent work, then before you know it there spending 20 minutes in the hall having a class potty break. Then its back to the class for some more administrative things and a little bit of classwork. At lunch, they can talk, but only to the two kids sitting on either side of them. If they eat fast they have just a few extra minutes to talk to their neighbors. Then its off for another potty break and more classwork. Recess is only about 15 minutes here, so they don't really get much time to socialize then either. Now most would say what they lack at school with friends they can make up after school and hang out with friends. In our family's case, there is no time for friends afterschool because of all the homework we must do prior to returning to school the next day.
My point is that at least with homeschooling they learn to work with others and all different ages, not just a room of all kids the same age. They learn from life experiences not just what's in a book. We can all face it, in real life, you don't go to work in a building with ALL 25 year olds doing the same work. You could possible have a supervisor who is younger or older. Not that you would need to satisfy another's fears of homeschooling and socialization, but if you felt your children were not getting the social part of life then you could always sign up for other outside organizations. Good examples of these are 4H, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts. There are also homeschool groups all over Texas that you should be able to find one that suits the needs of your family in your area.
In conclusion, socialization fears will not be a factor in our decision to homeschool. We are more worried at this point of what our school district will be like in a few years. We will review everything we've learned before making a decision. Check back soon for a list of compiled curricula.
A drive-by posting ;o)
8 years ago
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